- Your risk of heart attack is higher on Mondays, as well as the three days following a diagnosis of the flu or another respiratory disease.
- Rinsing your nose out with salt water can help you avoid many allergy symptoms.
- People who enter the home through a door by the kitchen eat approximately 15 percent more than those who come through the front door.
- People who eat at least five walnuts a week live an average of seven years longer.
- Dogs can sense cancer and low blood sugar.
- Almonds and avocado boost libido and increase fertility.
- Common pests such as roaches, fleas and termites can likely be found inside your body.
- Every time you sneeze, some of your brain cells die.
- Hearing is often the last sense to go as you age.
- Pain signals travel through your body at 350 feet per second.
- Smokers are four times more likely to complain about feeling tired in the morning than non-smokers.
- Dog owners have less stress and lower blood pressure.
- Human DNA is more similar to the rat than the cat.
- Listening to classical music (particularly Mozart) can reduce the number of epileptic seizures.
- People with strong personal relationships have stronger immune systems.
- There is no proven cure for hiccups.
- Walking on firm soil burns seven percent more calories than walking on pavement.
- The aroma of rosemary makes you feel more alert.
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